Upload files to the FTP server via C#.NET code is a simple task when you use System.Net and System.IO namespaces. But when I was trying to do that I get an opportunity to know few more things that I didn’t know before.
NOTE: if you are going to use this FTP upload in commercial hosting server like GoDaddy then please make sure weather you can have the access to do so.
In my experience I could not run my web application in GoDaddy Server. That gave me exception “ System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Net.WebPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=……“
Even it is working FTP upload in your local machine, when you upload it to the GoDaddy that will not work. It is occurring because of the permission gave by GoDadday to your web application. We talk to the Godaddy and they inform us, they can not allow us to do our operation, because we are using shared hosting server.
When I search an answer for that most of the blogs and forums said they used some other Hosting plan to overcome that.
If you are interesting to know the FTP upload via C# .NET File Upload in to FTP Server via C#.NET Code File Download From FTP Server via C#.NET Code
C#.NET gives the namespace to upload Files to FTP System.NET following custom method can be use to upload a file in to a FTP Server public static void UploadToFTP(string FTPAddress, string FileName, string FullPath, string UserName, string Password)
* FTPAddress - URL or IP address of the FTP server
* FileName - Name of the File which is going to upload
* FullPath - You have to give the Absolute path to the File you are going to upload
Did you get this Error Exception? “System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Net.WebPermission, …..” Then your have to read this Post too
You will be able to download a good windows application to the this purpose from http://www.vcskicks.com/download-file-ftp.php that was really help full to me thanks should goes to the people who ever wrote that article
You can download files from FTP using following custom Method public static string FTPDownload(string FTPURL, string FileName, string SavingPathonServer, string UserName, string Password)
* FTPAddress - URL or IP address of the FTP server
* FileName - Name of the File which is going to upload
* SavingPathonServer - This method will save Specifide file in to the WebServer you have to give the path to save on web server
Did you get this Error Exception? “System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Net.WebPermission, …..”Then your have to read this Post too
Your will be able to download a good windows application to the this purpose from http://www.vcskicks.com/csharp_ftp_upload.php that was really help full to me thanks should goes to the people who ever wrote that article
I just found this from my in box. That brings smile in to my face.. hope it will happen for you too... And... you will think about it twice like I did :)
1. We work weird (night) shifts...
Like prostitutes.
2. They pay you to make the client happy...
Like a prostitute.
3. The client pays a lot of money, but your employer keeps almost
every penny...
Like a prostitute.
4. You are rewarded for fulfilling the client's dreams...
Like a prostitute.
5. Your friends fall apart and you end up hanging out with people in the
same profession as you...
Like a prostitute.
6. When you have to meet the client you always have to be perfectly
Like a prostitute.
7. But when you go back home it seems like you are coming back from hell...
Like a prostitute.
8. The client always wants to pay less but expects incredible things
from you...
Like a prostitute.
9. When people ask you about your job, you have difficulties to explain
Like a prostitute.
10. Everyday when you wake up, you say: "I'm not going to spent the
rest of my life doing this."
Like a prostitute ........
Reading data from a excel sheet is a simple task through the .NET. Following method will return a Data Table after reading the data from specified Sheet of the Excel sheet.
If you are going to select several columns from the sheet , then all the specifying column names needs to be map with the columns of the excel sheet. In the following example I just used the Select * (all).
Using any file uploading Control get the File Name and the Extension of the file.
I have use the variable names strFileName, strExtension for File name and file extension respectively.
Sheet1 is the name of the excel sheet which is containing the required data in the specified Excel file
public DataTable ReadExcelToDataTable(string FileName, string Extention) { string strConnectionString = string.Empty; if (Extention == "xls")//For Office 2003 version { strConnectionString = string.Format("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source= {0};Extended Properties=Excel 8.0", FileName); } else if (Extention=="xlsx")//for Office 2007 { strConnectionString = string.Format("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source={0};Extended Properties=Excel 12.0", FileName); } DataTable dttExecelDataTable = new DataTable(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strConnectionString)) { System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection objOleDBCon = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(strConnectionString); try { objOleDBCon.Open(); // open excel file. System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand objDBCommand = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]", objOleDBCon); System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter objOleAdapter = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter (objDBCommand); objOleAdapter.Fill(dttExecelDataTable); } catch (Exception) { throw; } } return dttExecelDataTable;